A Prayer and a Dream Transformed into a Blessing

In 1940, an orange grove became a vision for Kenneth A. Wright, former principal of the Forest Lake Academy, and late for Arthur Guenther, DDS, and Lenna Guenther, first directors of Florida Living Retirement Community (FLRC), to start a retirement facility. Through prayer, vision, and hard efforts, it became a reality and a blessing for several people.

This retirement community has blessed people like Don and Denise Atalski today. The Atalskis became Adventists and members of Florida Living Seventh-day Adventist Church 20 years ago when a friend needing transportation asked Denise to take her to an Adventist church. Both were prayer partners in a Baptist church. Denise stayed and later fell in love with the community. Don began repairing and restoring roofs in the community.

Last year during our Open House, Nancy Pleasants, (FLRC) administrator, invited them to come to live in the community. The Atalskis talked it over, prayed about it, and decided to accept the invitation. They fell in love with a little house in this small, quiet community and moved in a year ago.

Don and Denise believe God led them through prayer to FLRC. They think this move has been an answer to prayer and one of their best decisions. They enjoy walking together at sunrise, swimming at the pool, eating with friends, visiting fragile residents, and feeling very blessed in an environment of friends who have become like an extended family. Through prayer and God’s leading, the Atalskis believe they have the very best retirement experience. These miracles were only possible through the prayers, dedication, and hard work of faithful leaders and their legacy years ago.

Isaiah 65:24 summarizes both experiences, “And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear.” Let’s keep praying and supporting to preserve this special place and bless more generations in the golden age.

By Katty Castro— Public Relations
Edited by Lee Bennett
