Guidelines Before You To Go To The Store

• Consider whether you really need to go shopping limit trips to the grocery store. So, if you only need a few items, try to get by with what you have and plan a big shopping trip for later. Buy enough food for a week or two at a time. 
• Delivery may be an option instead: Getting groceries delivered helps reduce the number of people going into stores and touching things and allows people to follow social distancing rules. It also helps reduce the spread of COVID-19 from people who are infected but don't show symptoms. 
• If you can't get delivery, try shopping at off-peak hours and buying as many items as you can from one store.
• Don't bring the whole family: It's best to shop alone. If possible, limit your family's exposure.
• Don't go if you have symptoms: It's imperative not to go shopping if you are showing symptoms such as fever, cough, or shortness of breath, or if you think you have been exposed to the virus. If you need supplies, ask a friend or someone else to get them and leave them outside your home. 

At the store
• Sanitize your hands often: Use hand sanitizer before entering the store and after leaving. You should also consider using hand sanitizer before and after selecting produce items. 
• If your store isn't providing disinfecting wipes, bring your wipes to use on carts, basket handles, and card readers. 
• Wear a mask: The CDC now recommends that people wear cloth face coverings when they go out, including when they go to the grocery store. This recommendation is intended to prevent the spread of COVID-19 from people who are infected but don't realize it because they aren't showing symptoms. 
• Practice social distancing: As with any public setting, you should maintain a distance of at least 6 feet. 
• Touch what you buy: Try not to touch things unnecessarily. That means don't pick up multiple produce items to try to find the ripest one, for example. 
• Don't touch your face: Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands. 

When you get home
• Wash your hands: You should wash your hands or use hand sanitizer after handling food packaging. 
• Don't leave your food outside: Leaving food in your garage or car may mean that the food is not stored at the proper temperature to prevent bacterial growth, and it could also increase the risk of pests such as rodents. 
• Rinse your produce: it's always a good idea — even when there's no pandemic — to rinse fresh fruit and vegetables with water to remove dirt, debris, and pesticides, and reduce levels of foodborne germs. 

Online Ordering
• Walmart Grocery: Get an account with your credit card information, make your order, find a pickup slot (do it early in the morning, keep searching each morning), save the credit card for next time. It takes around 3-4 days to get a delivery date. You may need to make an order of $30.00 to avoid any extra charge. The websites are super busy so be patient.
• Publix & Aldi are using a system called Instacart- You should do a store pick up to avoid being charged $99 for the membership. It takes around seven days to get a pickup slot so plan ahead. Make a $35 order to avoid an extra charge. You need an account with your credit card information at the checkout. If you need help, the office is willing to help you make this process easier for you!…